Welcome to my portfolio.

About Me

My name is Casey Thatsanaphonh and I'm an enthusiastic developer eager to contribute to team success through hard work, and attention to detail. Motivated to learn, and grow through experiences. Sparing no effort to redefine expectation because good enough isn't.



KeebLog is an iOS app developed in switft and utilizing SQLite to allow keyboard enthusiaist to keep track of their keyboards. Each keyboard will be detailed and saved in a list, the user can add the price and technical specifications for that keyboard.

Microverse is a mobile app created using Unity with a variety of mini games. I was tasked on creating the game SpeedTap to test your reaction time skill.

The main menu with all the game options available to play. Click the image to view the team behind all the games!

This Space Invader clone was created in Python with a few twists thrown in.

Secure Purchase Order was created using Python to demonstrate the use of secure online purchasing using DSA or RSA encryption and Digital Signatures.

EcoQuest, an Android App developed in Java, rewards users when picking up trash or recycling. The App utilizes google map API to track location and host events for community service. All achievements and user data stored in SQLite database.